Submit a claim - Closed

Please note: You are eligible to file a claim only if you have NOT already received a check for the full amount of the fees you paid to Howard Law.

Documentation Icon Documentation must be provided to support your claim. Documents should be clear, readable copies, as anything you submit will not be returned to you. These must show payment was sent to Vincent Howard, Lawrence Williamson, Howard Law, P.C, The Williamson Law Firm, LLC, or Williamson & Howard, LLP (collectively “Howard Law”). Other individuals and entities who are not named Defendants, but were involved in the matter, include Seila Law, JD Haas, Vann Spray, and Erik Graef.

The deadline to submit a claim has passed and claims are no longer being accepted through this website.

If you need to file a claim for a refund or an additional refund, you can download a claim form here. Further information is in Frequently Asked Question 2. Please note the deadline to submit a claim form was January 9, 2023. You may still file a claim and, depending on timing and available funding, it is possible your late claim will be accepted. There is no guarantee claims filed after the deadline will be reviewed or considered for payment.